Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Parliament: Aqua Boogie (a Psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop)

How could I possibly try to start off FUNKY REHAB without some funk? This song perfectly fits my needs. Billy "bass" Nelson provides a funky bass riff. It also has Parliament's classic spacey voices. Be forewarned: you will feel funky. The song tells a story of a recurring P-funk character "Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk ", who is too cool to swim or dance. The citizens of Atlantis get Sir Nose to do the Aqua Boogie. Its all good fun off of the album "Motor Booty Affair".

1 comment:

naudasd said...

DOOOOOOOD! This is legit. This is gonna be a pretty awesome thing. Send out the invites!

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