I hate to admit it but the rehab is falling. My, among others, lack of writing has been horific. I would hate to see this thing end so soon, so young. Therefore I met with my cofounder William Wallace Blakely (the third) and we have decided to rejuvinate THE REHAB. So, without further ado, I give you Klaxons. They have been remixed by many, some of the heavy hitters including Digitalism, So Me, and Justice. A radio competition for the band's song As Above, So Below gave rise to French Dance-Punk stars Justice. Pinning a genre on the UK band is less than easy. While looking for help judging what genre(s) to stick the band into, I found conflicting opinions. Before researching, I had described their music as having some Pychedelic, Pop, Noise Rock, and Electronic elements. Now after seeing the various articles about them, I see that I am not alone in having trouble finding a name for music with the energy of rock, the bass of techno, the sweetness of pop, and everyonce and a while something that will just totally throw you off. The owner of their first record label classified the music as Nu Rave, a blend of Electronic, New Wave, Disco, Indie, Hip-House, and Electro Breakbeat among others, and I don't find him far off. My introduction to the band was during the summer through a friends profile song on myspace, Golden Skans. The song lacks some of the strong bass components of their other music. That said, there is a stong driving punk-ish beat that accompanies the pop harmonies of the song. They're worth checking out for anyone who doesn't mind something that may not sound like whatever else you listen to every day, and is looking for a little fun. http://www.myspace.com/klaxons
P.S. for fun, heres a cover of Golden Skans from Mark Ronson.
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