I have been meaning to write about these guys for a long time. A REALLY long time. They were started by the first and ex guitarist of Jethro Tull after disagreements with Tull's lead singer. However, they don't sound too much like Tull. Think back to one of my earlier posts: Deep Purple. They sound a LOT like Deep Purple. If you liked Deep Purple, you may like these guys even more. If you didn't like them, then a) there's something wrong with you, but on a more positive note, b) you may still like Blodwyn Pig. They are quite a versatile classic/blues rock group. They have songs of almost pure jazz as well as epic rock ballads full of crazy guitar and bass. Their potent, inspired lyrics sung by a talented albeit nontraditional vocalist always make me wish I could find the lyrics online so I can sing along for once. One thing though that sets Blodwyn Pig apart is their use of the tener sax. Much like Jethro Tull's use of the flute, they bring an instrument predominantly used in jazz into a rock situation while never bringing the integrity of the rock or the jazz instrument into question. It just works. It works REALLY well. I will not tolerate skepticism on this. If you don't believe me, listen to See My Way and The Modern Alchemist (jazzy song :D). Unfortunately, their great album Ahead Rings Out is not technically..available in America. So try to find it in the UK or on ebay or something because it is 8 songs of pure genius (plus a 50 second track).
Their potent, inspired lyrics are sung by a talented albeit nontraditional vocalist always make me wish I could find the lyrics online so I can sing along for once.
That, my friend, was horrific grammar. Nice band, but, o, the grammar fiend inside me just died a little.
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