The Gorillaz are the only band I know (real or fictional) who can release an entire album of remixes’ and B-sides, and have it be better then the majority of normal releases for your average band. Nowadays, the Gorillaz have pretty much fallen into the status of prolific. They have achieved great success commercially and artistically, all without losing they’re cred and unique style. As such, it shouldn't really surprise anyone that their latest release, D-Sides is a damn fine hunk of music. Honestly, I dont know how they do it. People hemmed and hawed about Demon Days, and I’ll admit, it wasn’t they’re finest work (though I still thought it was pretty good), but if anyone needed assurances that the Gorillaz still have it, D-Sides does it.
First off, there is not a shred of new music one here (technically). It’s all B-sides, re-imaginings and remixes of their music. That said, even the most avid Gorillaz listener will have something to listen to here, as most of the remixes are diverse, and add enough to the songs that they stand by themselves quite well (some of them only bare a passing resemblance to the original song, such as the Jamie T, Turns Into Monsters remix of Kids With Guns). The album’s opener is 68 State, a extremely chill, mostly instrumental ditty that really relaxes you, and sets the mood for the album. The next handful of songs are B-sides and other obscure songs (such as People, a highly enjoyable song that, after several listenings, revealed it’s self to be built of the basics from Oh Green World, from Demon Days), including Hong Kong, a song so amazing they actually put it on twice (it pops up again in the end, as a live version). Then a parade of re-mixes, most of them masterfully done. To be fair, some of these grated on me. The Quiet Village remix of Kids With Guns, a ten minute affair where they appear to break the song down into its prime components, then replace them with acoustic drumming, playing each piece one at a time, all with the suddenly creepy vocals of the song droning disturbingly on top of it. Maybe it’s just me, but that doesn't do it for me. The rest are pretty damn good though, especially the DARE Soulwax remix, and the El Manana Metronomy remix.
If you like the Gorillaz, you should pick up this album. If you like electronica you should pick up this album. If you like techno you should pick up this album. If you dont like the Gorillaz, you should pick up this album, cus it might make you like them. Basically, if you dont pick up this album, I will slap you.