The Merchandise.
But in all seriousness, today I am giving you guys more of that infectious genre we love so well- the hair of the dog that bit you: electro/techno. Our artist this time comes from that glorious Paris club scene, and he has a background there, as he spent his teen years DJing at raves. This is most likely responsible for the affinity I and many others have for this music: his experience working the crowd gave him a lot of knowledge of what sounds can get ppl to move. I mean, fuck, I can't listen to any of his stuff without at least bobbing my head, swaying, and drumming my fingers to the music. Basically, y'all gotta listen to this to figure out what I'm talking about. So I'm gonna give you two things in addition to his myspace: the single Hools (yeah, I just linked to another music blog...but who the fuck cares?), which is one of my absolute favorites, and this lovely video for the song Ohow?
DON RIMINI - OHOW? from Alex Nebout on Vimeo.