Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bringing Back the FUNK

As our millions of readers are aware, I haven't posted for those blog in a little while. Not too long, of course... >.> Exaggeration aside (if it's possible to ignore), I cannot continue to deprive people of my extra super greatness. Therefore, I am calling upon a new era! One of great musical prosperity and happiness for all to enjoy. together. And it will all start *pause for dramatic effect* ...soon. This post is more to motivate myself by making a commitment. However, seeing as I should be (and am) studying for finals, I must hold off on the awesome that I'll be spreading. Just know that I will be writing about Daedelus, an amazingly chill electronic guy who uses a Monome 256. More about that later...all you're getting for now is this little sample. Keep up the awesome.
sample: Daedelus' Monome

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