The Ringers are not lying when they say that they are “Keeping alive the tradition of what rock 'n roll music should be -- sleazy, sexual and dangerous.” Their music calls to mind the instrumentals of the Ramones, which might not be such a bad thing for them, considering they performed “Blitzkrieg Bop” for the movie Accepted (in which lead singer Joe Hursley played a rocking ex-soldier), while lead actor Justin Long sings. Their most recent single “Apocalypto” definitely touches on the dangerous aspect of their sound. The bass starts off heavy and doesn’t ease up. The guitar and drums work together giving the music a truly jarring effect. Hursley’s voice comes through in the single moment of relief from the onslaught, in the breakdown, with passion. Overall their music is something that can get you moshing (sloppily as it may be…) with your friends in a living room for a kick-ass good time. Also, they’re from Los Angeles, so what is not to like. Check out their CD Tokyo Massage.
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